today was the day

Today. 17 November 2011. Today was the day that I was supposed to arrive in Atlanta early in the morning and then catch a flight to Charlotte. Today was the day that was to mark the end of my 5 month internship in Liberia. Today was the day that I was supposed to…

  • arrive back in the USA after 5 months away – I always love coming back into the US after being away for any amount of time
  • have a happy reunion with family and friends after a couple of months away
  • be looking back at 5 months of work and lessons learned in Liberia
  • thinking of the friends that I had to say goodbye to in Liberia
  • be tired from jet lag, but so excited to see everyone that I get kind of punchy
  • know whether or not I want to stay on the field or stay in the states
  • come home and have lots of pictures and stories to tell over the Thanksgiving Holiday

Instead, today I am sitting here writing this post with a steaming hot cup of coffee in my kitchen before I head off to work. Today I will go to work and come home and really, it’s just a regular old day, nothing special. Except, for me it still is a marker of what the last 5 months have meant to me. I might not have been able to finish my internship, but that doesn’t mean that these last couple of months have not been significant. Today is the day that I…

  • look back at all that God has done in the last 5 months and see his faithfulness and his kind hand that upheld me through trials, confusion, and lots of waiting
  • celebrate and praise God for all of his provision and grace
  • thank God for sustaining me and giving me a job for the months that I have been healthy and here in Boone
  • remember to “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” – Psalm 27:14
  • will go to work and come home and try to remember to be faithful in the small tasks that are set before me
  • watch my little brother’s basketball game

“All your circumstances are ordered in wisdom by a living, thoughtful, and loving God. Our heavenly Father knows what he is doing, even when his way appears to be involved and complicated and we cannot untangle the threads, the Lord sees all things clearly. His breadth exceeds the range of our vision; his depth baffles our profoundest thought.” – CH Spurgeon

I continue to learn and re-learn and remind myself of these truths. I just wrote a dear friend and described these past couple of months like this, “I’ve struggled with the waiting, but the Lord has called me to trust and rest and has increased my faith; I’ve been confused and felt directionless, but my good God has reminded me of his sovereign care for me and has provided at every turn and has made my path clear. It has been one step at a time and that’s been frustrating at times, but he’s been there to light my path. It’s really interesting to look back over the last year or so and see how he has worked everything out in his timing and how it’s been better than anything I ever could have planned.” I think that one thing I have learned for sure over the past couple of years is that I can plan and plan all I want, but I am not in control. I am looking forward to this next adventure.

